Impulse 2018: Recruiting Video Narration

We have a great collection of pictures, thousands and thousands of pictures, and weeks of video! Impulse is, Tom is :D, putting together a video we are posting to all social media accounts,  and suitable for sharing and using to help recruit.
To that end, here is a “script” to be used as is, for narration to accompany the video, or the script can be modified, or used as inspiration for someone to video and/or audio record their own thoughts and memories of these four moments in a season: Memorial Camp, Life on the Road, Tour, and Show Day!

Send your recordings to me at and I will send them along to Tom. Reason to send to me first is, number one, Tom would share with me anyway 😛 Other reasons may apply, on a case by case basis.

Read. Enjoy. Get motivated. Make Impulse Great!

Memorial Camp

The drive feels long at night and almost too much time for me to think of what’s to come.

It also feels like its going to be the start of something I’m really beginning to understand.

Discovering my potential as a performer. Learning how to push myself past pain and fatigue.

Making lots new friends, and becoming better friends with others.

The start of true bonding as a corps, and a taste of what’s to come in the summer.

I’ve been  using more Sunscreen than I’ve ever used in my life and I feel a soreness in my muscles and bones I didn’t know could hurt that much.

Sunburn is one of many new skin colors I’m discovering.

This is not a holiday. Its better!

Life on the road

An endless feeling of, “are we there yet”.

When my butt can fall asleep even though I’m wide awake.

Walmart at 3AM!, Sorry for kicking you, aisle-dweller.

Learning lots of new things, some I’m glad for, some I wish I never had to know.

Exploring, lots and lots of exploring.

Bug bites in places I don’t even know a bug could reach.

Striving for consistency in my performance and the corps performance, when everything around me is consistent and inconsistent, at the same time!

Pushing my limits, until there are no limits!

Never stop moving; get on a bus, get off a bus, get on a field, get off a field, get in a gym, get out of a gym, get on a bus, get off a bus, get on a field, etc.

Mind numbing exhaustion. What’s today? Where are we?

Sleep where, when you can. Asphalt mattress

This has been an amazing experience that is full of learning, everyday, all day.

Finding new ways to use old words; luxury – washing clothes.

These are memories for a lifetime.


Finding out what you love, and what you hate, in the best, and worst ways.

Finding out the greatest possibilities of what a group can become.

Being with the best people.

Traveling to Lucas Oil stadium. The Mecca of Drum Corps.

So much adventure and excitement that it goes beyond words.

Its a life changing experience.

Laughs and good times with people I truly love.

The hours and hours, and days and days preparing, now seem like time very well spent.

I’ve found a new family.

Definitely the best time of my life.

Show day



Focus on my performance.

Entertaining the crowd.

Time to show off all our hard work.

All the Hype, payoff of all the pain and sacrifice, the reward the audience gets from our performance.

Awesome performance, painful return to the truck.

Pride of sharing great moments with great people. 

The ultimate and most unforgettable experience, ever.


Thank you all 

About raymondarthur

Life Coach Inspiration with Straight Talk and Humor
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