How to Tell if You’re still Sexy

Two presumptions:

1) You were sexy, at one point.1

2) You know what sexy is.

I think sexy is more about attitude than anything physical.

Allure – the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

Charming – behaving in a friendly, pleasant way that makes people like you.

Enchant – fill with great delight, charm

So, I am sexy, alluring, charming, and enchanting.

Do NOT mess with my illusions! 🤪

Back to the question: how to tell if you’re still sexy.

I think SEXY attracts all people to you, in different ways.

Sexy implies sex, but 90% of sexy has nothing to do with sex. Sexy, in a simple definition, is your attractiveness to others. Attractiveness that doesn’t include physical characteristics as a primary source of your Attractiveness.

My Sexy, your sexy is about attitude, confidence, genuineness, kindness and how that is projected to others.

In it’s purest form, SEXY is! If you are trying to be sexy, you’re not, or ever will be. Much like COOL. You can’t put COOL on like a shirt.

Being SEXY comes down to this: are you the kind of person, that attracts the kind of people, you like, want, prefer.

If not, we need a different conversation.

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The BEST teacher advice ☺

● Make “me” time, throughout the day.

● Find a balance between delivering content and helping your students become better people (which includes you!)

● Periodically check your Intent, check your Focus.

● Help students to think beyond the here and now. Teach your students to think of a future beyond the horizon


Transition times. Take 10-30 seconds. Breathe in gratitude; breathe out appreciation. Take those moments before or during activity transitions to be thankful for: your shoes (or some other cute clothing item), discreetly pop a couple of M&M (or other small treat) into your mouth. A few seconds, throughout the day, to give self appreciation goes a long way!


Incorporating the science of teaching with the art of teaching is a balancing act. You need to deliver content to the students, but you to nurture an environment that invites learning. Sometimes lessons may not move as quickly as you want, but be mindful: if you’re leading the herd, you’re a shepard; if you’re pushing the herd, you’re the butcher.


The logistics of teaching may ocassionaly squeeze out the joy of teaching. The routines and demands of life, away from your class, can drain your energy and enthusiasm. But, you became a teacher for a reason. In that periodic ME time you take through the day, also take that moment to re-center, re-focus, stoke the flame of passion to lead young people. To teach is among the most noble of vocations.


Besides teaching facts, information, and skills, the ability to help students imagine a world beyond that which is currently known is a worthy activity. It doesn’t have to be an entire lesson. If there’s a story with a plane, or train, or automobile take a moment to ask the students to imagine a different way to travel in the future. When it’s time to plug their iPads to charge, ask the students another way to charge iPads, or what students will use in the future instead of iPads.

I’ve got more!

Send questions or comments, please.


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How to handle a disruptive student

So many variables

First, who is being disrupted?

Are they disrupting you, or disrupting their table group, or disrupting only one other student.

Be patient. Evaluate. Sometimes simply changing proximity alleviates the disruption

What if I’m at my computer directing a lesson?

Be patient. It may well be worth the pause in the lesson to physically move towards the disruption to address the moment.

In all cases of addressing classroom disruptions:

(1) Stay controlled

(2) Be brief

– (3) Be concise

(4) Address the specific behavior

(5) Use the pause for effect

1. Stay controlled.

I didn’t say don’t be angry. Anger may be an appropriate response. For anger/emotion to be an effective response, it must be controlled.

2. Be brief

Thinking branding in advertising. The shorter the message, the more memorable and the more likely to be effective long term.

3. Be concise

Be in that moment. Address what moment was disrupted; what the focus should be on.

4. Address the specific behavior

Speak directly to the behavior, what they did/did not do. How was it negatively impacting the educational moment.

5. Use the pause for effect

If you going to take time to address a behavior that cannot be extinguished non-verbally, make it a teachable moment for all. Pause between stopping the lesson and addressing the behavior. Pause between sentences you speak, let each word be processed and valued. Pause before returning to the lesson, and thank those positively participating for their patience in that moment.

So much more for me to say about this.

I appreciate all questions and comments.

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Being Patient with Yourself

You are doing your best.

Yes, you are.

Sometimes we say or do something and immediately after we realize, or believe, we could have said or done something better.

Well, that may, or may not, be true.

We did our best, you did your best, in a given moment.

Ideally, we always want to improve. Don’t negate or discount your efforts by what you didn’t say or didn’t do.

Respect and value each moment for what it is. Respect and value each person in that moment. Respect your efforts in a given moment.

Strive to be better. Respect your past effort. Be patient with your growth.

We demonstrate patience more freely and with more ease than we do ourselves.

Sometimes its helpful to embrace how others see us. We, more often than not, can tell when others are giving their best honest effort. The same for you and me. People can tell when our heart intends to be its best.

Be patient with yourself.

You are doing the best you can.

When you know better, do best.


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Meeting a future Spouse at Church

During the last holiday season, I met a woman and she invited me to her church. I kind of liked her and thought, why not.

Well, I went, and she introduced me to her friends…

One her friends, WOW!

After the service, I was invited to a Christmas party that week, which I went to.

WOW friend was at the party, and friend who invited me to church was not.

I started the evening chatting with the single guys in one corner of the living area. (There were 7-8 couples, 3 single guys, 2 single ladies.) WOW lady friend was sitting in an opposite corner, chatting with the hostess. When hostess got up for something, I approached.

WOW seemed very glad to see me. I asked if the hostess was coming back soon. WOW shrugged. I sat.

We chatted the next 30-40 minutes, ate, chatted more, and the hosts had activities after food: games and caroling.

WOW picked me to be here partner for the games. The competition was tough, but we prevailed in both games.

Caroling was fun. And iykyk about my singing, that made me a WOW.

At the end of the evening the other party goers asked WOW and myself how long we’d known each other, because we got along famously.


This was the easy part. The hard part, I often avoid.

I met the first woman, at the beginning of this story, sharing Faith. My initial agreement to attend her church was to get to know her better, and to see and experience her Faith community .

I got distracted meeting WOW.

I’ve been single a LONG time, mostly by choice, and for a variety of reasons.

So much more to say…

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Stranger Danger!

Twice in the last week toddlers have followed me.

The first time, I was leaving the dog park. Adjacent to the dog park is a regular park.

I saw and stopped to watch a young mother walking with her child as he explored. He wandered in my direction, not aware of me, until he was a few feet away.

He straightened up and stared at me. I waved and said hello. He waved back, and he was a babbler, and he babbled at me. I agreed with him, so he continued.

After a few moments I thanked him for the conversation and proceeded with my dog towards my car.

He followed.

His mother called and called him, but the toddler continued following me.

I stopped several times, urging him to go with Mama, to no avail. (Thankfully Mom was amused)

It wasn’t until I reached my car, opened the door, and he tried climbing did his mother pick him up at that point.

Second time, I was sitting at a Cafe with outdoor seating. Another young mother with a toddler were walking by. The little girl was babbling away, then she noticed me watching her.

She stopped. I waved and said hello. She waved back, and proudly showed me the napkin in her hand, and the story about how she acquired it, (I think.)

After a few moments of conversation it was time for me to go, so I said thank you and goodbye. The little girl proceeded to follow.

I stopped and encouraged her to go back to her mother, who was following, but as I continued the toddler followed again.

I saw a set of stairs leading to an elevated shopping area. I went up the steps and stopped. When the toddler reached the steps, she tried climbing up.

Thankfully the mother was amused and picked up her child at that point.

I read a story some years ago called bean trees. The main character stops at a convenience store and when she comes back someone had placed a small in her passenger seat.

I imagine if a small child ever follows me home and I can’t find who she or he belongs to, I’ll do my best to take care of that child.

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To be balanced in life, you need to be a little unbalanced…

Which seems contrary to the idea of balance, but, if you think for a moment, makes perfect sense.

Our desire for balance in our life is most often a response to the unbalanced feeling we get from the world: things that happen that unsettle us; things that don’t happen that disappoint us. That motivates us to seek a balance within ourselves.

We establish routines, schedules, practice meditation, Etc. To give some predictability and stability to the chaos that sometimes surrounds us.

Probably the biggest key to maintaining are personal sense of balance is flexibility. We can frustrate ourselves, and cause ourselves Stress and Anxiety because our schedules and our routines to maintain our balance get disrupted.

So to be balanced, you have to unbalance.

Maybe it would be helpful to think of ourselves as doing gymnastics. We’ve all watched how an athlete will twist, turn, tumble, spin, and then land perfectly on their feet and throw their arms up in Triumph.

So there may be times, and more often than we like, that we have to do gymnastics in life to maintain our balance. Not forsaking your schedule or routines, but being flexible, bending but not breaking.

Spiritual balance always rests with the Holy Ghost. Take a moment as often as you need to stop and listen. Let the spirit speak, get out of the way.

Sometimes our pride and ego cause us to seek or try to maintain a false balance. The Holy Ghost is our comforter, our companion. Balance in our life, true balance, rests with the Holy Spirit.


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2023: The eyes of a Child of God, Giving my Best

A great pic from back in the day, when I was not doing my best, but through mental gymnastics, tried to convince myself and others that I was

A restart next week. Another restart. I am fortunate to have had as many restarts as I have had

Fall 2022, teaching elementary students, again, such a joy, such a reminder, we all lived in a time of innocence and enthusiasm

To see everything and everyone with those eyes again, that was the lesson, I believe

Dreams, so many for me, become reality

Dreams turn to restarts

8 months I’ll have to see what follows. The path continues or may restart again

With the eyes of a child, a child of God, go I

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Loving in Ways Non-traditional

Had this thought earlier today, back to my days in late adolescence

When a woman says, you agree

Kisses and hand holding became one

The comfort, the understanding, of person to person touch

Amen ❤

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Love, Respect, Honest Work

Spent 3-4 days getting this done

Reality is, it will take however long to get what needs to be done, done

Looking at what else needs to be done, I’m hopeful to achieve that in the next 7 days

Considering the pace my new life is moving, that might be all the time I have

I don’t have the feeling I used to have, that things, as much work that I’d do, things would look the same

Met a lovely young woman at the plant store today, great chat. Hope to see her again, if not, lots of other pretty ladies to talk too

Talked with Charlie today. He’s a hype. Greg Clarke, sheesh, that guy. Charlie still hovering, Photography, feet, contracting, judging

Last minute typed up activity list for tomorrow. Need pens

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