
To be balanced in life, you need to be a little unbalanced…

Which seems contrary to the idea of balance, but, if you think for a moment, makes perfect sense.

Our desire for balance in our life is most often a response to the unbalanced feeling we get from the world: things that happen that unsettle us; things that don’t happen that disappoint us. That motivates us to seek a balance within ourselves.

We establish routines, schedules, practice meditation, Etc. To give some predictability and stability to the chaos that sometimes surrounds us.

Probably the biggest key to maintaining are personal sense of balance is flexibility. We can frustrate ourselves, and cause ourselves Stress and Anxiety because our schedules and our routines to maintain our balance get disrupted.

So to be balanced, you have to unbalance.

Maybe it would be helpful to think of ourselves as doing gymnastics. We’ve all watched how an athlete will twist, turn, tumble, spin, and then land perfectly on their feet and throw their arms up in Triumph.

So there may be times, and more often than we like, that we have to do gymnastics in life to maintain our balance. Not forsaking your schedule or routines, but being flexible, bending but not breaking.

Spiritual balance always rests with the Holy Ghost. Take a moment as often as you need to stop and listen. Let the spirit speak, get out of the way.

Sometimes our pride and ego cause us to seek or try to maintain a false balance. The Holy Ghost is our comforter, our companion. Balance in our life, true balance, rests with the Holy Spirit.


About raymondarthur

Life Coach Inspiration with Straight Talk and Humor
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