Stranger Danger!

Twice in the last week toddlers have followed me.

The first time, I was leaving the dog park. Adjacent to the dog park is a regular park.

I saw and stopped to watch a young mother walking with her child as he explored. He wandered in my direction, not aware of me, until he was a few feet away.

He straightened up and stared at me. I waved and said hello. He waved back, and he was a babbler, and he babbled at me. I agreed with him, so he continued.

After a few moments I thanked him for the conversation and proceeded with my dog towards my car.

He followed.

His mother called and called him, but the toddler continued following me.

I stopped several times, urging him to go with Mama, to no avail. (Thankfully Mom was amused)

It wasn’t until I reached my car, opened the door, and he tried climbing did his mother pick him up at that point.

Second time, I was sitting at a Cafe with outdoor seating. Another young mother with a toddler were walking by. The little girl was babbling away, then she noticed me watching her.

She stopped. I waved and said hello. She waved back, and proudly showed me the napkin in her hand, and the story about how she acquired it, (I think.)

After a few moments of conversation it was time for me to go, so I said thank you and goodbye. The little girl proceeded to follow.

I stopped and encouraged her to go back to her mother, who was following, but as I continued the toddler followed again.

I saw a set of stairs leading to an elevated shopping area. I went up the steps and stopped. When the toddler reached the steps, she tried climbing up.

Thankfully the mother was amused and picked up her child at that point.

I read a story some years ago called bean trees. The main character stops at a convenience store and when she comes back someone had placed a small in her passenger seat.

I imagine if a small child ever follows me home and I can’t find who she or he belongs to, I’ll do my best to take care of that child.

About raymondarthur

Life Coach Inspiration with Straight Talk and Humor
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